Seventh Anniversary Celebration – Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary

WOW Equinox Ceremony at Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary
“Women of the Womb” performed an Equinox Ceremony at the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary on March 20, 2016. Event coincides with the building of a traditional Hawaiian rock wall around the perimeter of the Sanctuary during the last week.
Click here for more info about Women of the Womb
Calling in the Warriors of the Rainbow to Malama Uncle Roberts
The Kelihoomalu Ohana has ask us to help build a stone wall around Uncle Roberts's vision, he gave to all of us before he left his body. The Lawful Kingdom of Hawaii representatives along with myself and Women of the Womb were honored to be apart of that infamous day of June 27th, when Tutu Pele made her move after the ceremony. Uncle shared with us all the importance how all the tribes would come together not only the Rainbow tribes of Mama Earth but also our Star Families.
This was Uncles dream.
I feel honored to be apart of this Spring Equinox in keeping Uncles dream alive and honoring Read more [...]
Hawaii Astronomy Event at Uncle Roberts followed by star gazing at Star Visitor Sanctuary
On Tues May 26, Michael Kumukauoha Lee, the "Hawaiian Star Man," an expert in traditional Hawaiian astronomy and culture, will give a talk on "How and Why WE ARE MAUNA A WAKEA."
The event is titled Papa Kilo Hoku and begins at 4:30 pm at Uncle Roberts Awa Bar, in Kaimu-Kalapana.
After the talk and event at Uncle Roberts, Michael Kumukauoha Lee will go to the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary for some star gazing and discussion.
All are invited to attend!
Transition of Uncle Robert – inspiration behind Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary
A great Hawaiian, Noble Robert Kel`iiho`omalu "Uncle Robert", had been at the Veterans center in Hilo recovering from an ongoing infection. His family and a very large crowd of loved ones had been at his side for a couple days. Music, food and aloha overfilled the hospital. Yesterday, on the third anniversary of Puna, his son's passing, he asked to return home. His eyes grew brighter and his smile wider as he came closer to Kalapana, Kaimu. He drew a last deep breath and left us at 3:00pm February 15, 2015.
A hui hou, Garry (Hoffeld)